MESA Real Estate Institute, LLC
CE and prelicensing courses for New Mexico real estate brokers including core courses, core electives and ethics electives. NMREC approved.​

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A Blunt Conversation About Marijuana - 4CE

This 4-hour course will provide attendees with a professional working knowledge of the cannabis industry in New Mexico, and the United States, and demonstrates how the growing industry might impact the real estate business. A thorough review of the laws surrounding cannabis will be provided. The attendees will be informed on possible issues that might arise from the always changing cannabis laws and understand the impact as cannabis use becomes more prevalent in society and everyday business practices.


Upcoming Classes:
No scheduled classes.
A Look at Real World Issues- Claim Studies - 4CE

Fun, interactive small group discussions on four of RISC Insurance claim studies with sharing in general sessions. This class #1 is geared for the brokerage side of real estate.  Use this knowledge from real life situations in your business now!

Carolyn Hallett is the only person teaching this class. 

Upcoming Classes:
No scheduled classes.
Anatomy of a Listing Contract- 4CE

This four-hour course is designed to provide attendees with a professional working knowledge of the NMAR Listing Agreement and the disclosures required to be completed prior to acceptance of an offer to purchase and more. Forms covered include: Lead Based Paint Addendum, Lead Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Program Info Sheet, Property Tax Levy Estimate Info Sheet, Public Improvement District info sheet, Homeowners Association Disclosures and the most recent changes to the Listing Agreement.


Upcoming Classes:
04/14/2025 - 9:00 AM05/15/2025 - 9:00 AM06/23/2025 - 9:00 AM
Anatomy of a Purchase Contract - 4CE

This four-hour continuing education class is designed to provide attendees with a professional working knowledge of the NMAR Purchase Agreement and the forms most likely to be used with it. Forms covered may include the Limited Service Notice, Buyer Broker Agreement, Supplemental Broker Duties, Septic System Contingency, Buyer Sale Contingency, ORW and the most recent changes to the NMAR Purchase Agreement.

Upcoming Classes:
04/15/2025 - 9:00 AM05/16/2025 - 9:00 AM06/24/2025 - 9:00 AM
Broker Beware: Protect Your Real Estate License - 4CE

Your real estate license is a valuable thing, so learn to protect it! This class covers information on anti-trust compliance and E & O insurance (when you're covered, when you're not).  Other topics include disclosure requirements, types of misrepresentation, conflict resolution and home-buying hazards.  Do you know what to do if you get a call from someone else's attorney?  And much more! 


Upcoming Classes:
05/19/2025 - 9:30 AM
Clear the Confusion: Offers (Counters, Multiples, Contingencies, etc.) - 4CE

This is an advanced class that covers select Purchase Agreement definitions, the Buyer Sale Contingency, Closing and Funding Contingency, Addendum for Back Up Purchase Agreement and Sellers Notification of Multiple Offers.

Upcoming Classes:
04/04/2025 - 9:30 AM
Four Letter Words: HOAs, COAs, PIDs and SADs

This course will serve to increase a broker's transactional expertise with Homeowners' Associations, Condominium Unit Owners' Assocations, Public Improvement Districts and Special Assessment Districts. 

Upcoming Classes:
04/29/2025 - 9:00 AM05/28/2025 - 9:00 AM
Inspections, ORRs and Repairs, Oh My! 2CE

Navigating the inspection and repair process requires a good understanding of the inspection and repair paragraphs of the NMAR Listing Agreement and Purchase Agreement, as well as the Objection, Response and Resolution Agreement.

Here are some of the topics we will cover in this course:

  • If a Buyer completes their inspections, and they want to terminate, do they have a right to?
  • If the broker for the Buyer sends the complete inspection report to the Seller have they defaulted on the contract?
  • Should the Seller share an inspection report from a previous Buyer if the transaction terminated?
  • If not, what is the best way for the Seller to disclose adverse material facts about the property?
  • What are the Buyer's options if the Seller won't complete any repairs they ask for?
  • Join us for a focused, on-point class that will improve your transaction expertise! 

Upcoming Classes:
No scheduled classes.
NMAR Forms Update- 4CE

New NMAR forms come out all the time! In this course, you will learn about the latest revisions to the forms that residential brokers use daily.  This will include the Buyer Agreement, Buyer Broker Termination Agreement, Notice to Unrepresented Buyer and other recent changes to the forms. The course will also cover three forms the Buyer's Broker can use to seek offsetting compensation for their buyer clients, including the Seller's Compensation to Buyer's Broker, Third Party Beneficiary and Cooperation and Compensation Agreement.

Upcoming Classes:
04/28/2025 - 9:30 AM05/10/2025 - 9:00 AM
On Demand - Triple D: Deadlines, Defaults and Definitions

Upcoming Classes:
No scheduled classes.
One Thing Leads to Another: The PA Contingencies Explained - 2CE

Come to class and learn more about the purpose of contingencies in the NMAR Residential Purchase Agreement and the details of how they work.

Upcoming Classes:
No scheduled classes.
QB Refresher Course - 6CE

The course is provided over two days. Registrants must attend both parts of the course to earn continuing education credit. 

All qualifying brokers must complete a six (6) hour qualifying broker refresher course as a condition of license renewal or reinstatement of qualifying broker status regardless of age or years of licensure.

Additionally, the 6 CE hours this course provides count towards the required 42 hours of continuing education that qualifying brokers must complete for license renewal. 

MESA Real Estate Institute also offers the Qualifying Broker Refresher Course "On-Demand" so QBs can take it at their own pace. You can learn more about this by clicking on this link:

Upcoming Classes:
04/17/2025 - 9:00 AM06/12/2025 - 9:00 AM
Ready, Set, Go! Broker Duties and Other Required Disclosures- 2CE

Come to Ready, Set, Go to explore and learn more about the Broker Duties and other required disclosures in a fun and interactive way. 

Upcoming Classes:
No scheduled classes.
Triple D: Deadlines, Defaults and Definitions - 3CE

Learn more about deadline defaults and other defaults, the Notification of Default and Opportunity to Cure and definitions contained in the NMAR Residential Purchase Agreement.

Upcoming Classes:
04/03/2025 - 9:00 AM05/29/2025 - 9:00 AM
Understanding & Using NMAR Forms Part 1 (Anatomy of a Listing Contract) & Part 2 (Anatomy of a Purchase Contract) - 8CE

This eight (8) hour, two day class is designed to provide attendees with professional working knowledge of the NMAR Forms most likely to be used in the course of a typical residential real estate transaction including: Listing and Purchase Agreements, Lead Paint Addendum, Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program, HOA documents, PIDs, SADs, and Broker Duties Supplemental.

DAY 1 of this class will cover Anatomy of a Listing Contract 

DAY 2 of this class will cover Anatomy of a Purchase Contract.

By registering for Understanding and Using NMAR Forms you will receive a bundled discount and get credit for both the Anatomy of a Listing Contract class and Anatomy of a Purchase Contract class. 

**This is a TWO DAY CLASS, you will recieve the same zoom link for BOTH DAYS.

Upcoming Classes:
04/14/2025 - 9:00 AM05/15/2025 - 9:00 AM06/23/2025 - 9:00 AM
Yes, Your Honor, I Did Disclose!-4CE

We will cover six appellate court decisions that have created "common law" in New Mexico.  We'll also cover several cases from the files of the New Mexico Real Estate Commission.  

Upcoming Classes:
No scheduled classes.